Though I still wish the new artist would improve just a little bit. Expressions are still no better than Xeroxed heads, and she has problems with giving the kids fat hands. (And pay close attention to the location of the arm of the woman with the afro, in relationship to the sleeve of her shirt.) (Links to comics will expire in about 2 weeks, and I don't feel like now trying to archive them for educational and informational purposes.)
Can a N***a Get Published?
Though I still wish the new artist would improve just a little bit. Expressions are still no better than Xeroxed heads, and she has problems with giving the kids fat hands. (And pay close attention to the location of the arm of the woman with the afro, in relationship to the sleeve of her shirt.) (Links to comics will expire in about 2 weeks, and I don't feel like now trying to archive them for educational and informational purposes.)
Has anyone else here started getting a daily deluge of spam comments? I screen comments, so they're only annoying in that I get the emails when…
Heritage Update. . .
Remember this revoked license plate from two years ago on this wonderful truck? Well, at the time, the owner argued it was just a huge…
Suspicious comments...
For what it's worth, I'm glad LiveJournal has been flagging suspicious comments and hiding them from view, but I wish when I get the email…
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